The Classical Music CDs & MP3s of K&K Verlagsanstalt - Edition Monastery Maulbronn: Concert Recordings (Oratories, Baroque Music, Chamber Music) - Concept & Filmmusic (Tango Argentino, New Age, Lyric & Jazz, Relax Music) mp3 downloads George Frideric Handel JEPHTHA an oratorio in three movements a concert recording from the convent church in Maulbronn (1998) in English, performed in a historical setting 2 CDs, DDD, 150 min ISBN 3-930643-60-X, US$ 24,00 An oratorio in three movements performed by Emma Kirkby (soprano), Melinda Paulsen (mezzo-soprano), Charles Humphries (alto), Julian Podger (tenor), Stephen Varcoe (bass), Barockorchester der Klosterkonzerte, Maulbronner Kammerchor, Conductor: Jürgen Budday. Oratory Jephta by George Frideric Handel (1685-1759) Jephta was Händel's last work of great dimensions. It was written in 1751 in London. It was performed for the first time at Covent Garden at february, 26. in 1752. Händel's last dramatical work was in the same time the most poetic of his oratories. The tension is not created by action but by the inner aspect of Jephta'ss unsolvible solitude. Expelled from Gilead by his half-brothers, he grows up in exile and becomes a god-fearing army commander, while Gilead is suppressed by the Ammonites. After 18 years of slavery, the eldest of Gilead ask Jephta to free them from their tyrants. As army commander, Jephta swears his god Jehova to sacrifice to him the first creature he will meet after victory. He can't see that it's his own daughter Iphis to take this burdon upon her shoulders. The desperation of Jephta, mother Storge and lover Hamor is met by the courage of Iphis, who comes to show herself as a true heroine. The tragical conflict of the sacrifice of his own daughter is turned to a good end, inspite of the outlines of the old testament. The music is of an overwhelming forcefulness and beauty. Jephta's importance is based in the first place on the imposing choir scenes. The choir has double function: at one hand he takes part in action actively, on the other hand he stays in the backround and comments on the story. The upbeat in the CD edition is a drum beat... the technical sounding, outstandingly successful recording supplies the discography of the work with an interesting and worth listening to variant on the recordings by Harnoncourt, Gardiner, Marriner and Creed. (Dr. Karl-Georg Berg, DIE RHEINPFALZ) The Edition What makes the European atmosphere so intense? What defines the European heritage? Where can you find the roots of European culture? Guided by these questions, we document major works of European music in live-recordings at one of the most authentic cisalpean places by our Edition Monastery Maulbronn. I´ve tasted myself physically the perfect accoustical and architectical beauty of this performing place and the exquisite musical staging - which deeply impressed me. An editor cannot but follow his intention to preserve those cultural values for the posterity. Josef Stefan Kindler The concerts at the Monastery Maulbronn The concerts at the monastery Maulbronn are performed since 1968 and offer in the meantime a programm, which has not only international continuance, but also stands the comparison with bigger stages in the world. The performances take place between may and september in the historical rooms of the monastery (church, layical refectory, cloister garden). There are about 25 concerts annually. We publish a selection of the most beautiful works of religious and secular music by our edition. The monastery Maulbronn The monastery is recognized as the only completely preserved medeaeval complex north of the alps. In 1994 it was admitted to the Unesco-list of world culture heritage of mankind as the 13. building in germany and so finds himself in company with such famous buildings as the Pyramids or the Tadsch Mahal. George Frideric Handel SAMSON An oratorio in three movements A concert recording from the convent church in Maulbronn (1999) in english and performed in a historical setting. Handel-Cycle V 2 CDs, DDD, 150 min. ISBN 3-930643-62-6, US$ 24,00 An oratorio in three movements in english, performed in a historical setting. A life-recording of the concert, which took place at the Monastery Maulbronn, sept., 25./26. in 1999. Artists: Sinéad Pratschke (Sopran) · Michael Chance (Altus) · Marc LeBrocq (Tenor) · Raimund Nolte (Bariton) · David Thomas (Bass) · Maulbronner Kammerchor · Barockorchester der Klosterkonzerte · Conductor: Jürgen Budday The oratory Samson by Georg Friedrich Händel (1685-1759) Immediately after the Messias, which was created within the 24 days between august, 22. and september, 14. 1741, Händel started to compose Samson. At october, 29. 1741 he finished the last act, which means that those two biggest oratories, the Messias and Samson, came into being within ten successive weeks only. Samsons dramaturgical fundament comes from the book judges of the bible. John Milton, Englands most important baroque poet, has formed his epos Samson Agonistes by following freely the outlines of the bible. Newburgh Hamilton transformed it for Händels oratory. It descibes the betrayal, the remorse and the victory of Samson, the israelean army commander, whose power grew with his hair, as the legend tells us. The work starts one year after the capture and blinding of Samson, when the priests of the pagan god Dagon are celebrating their greatest triumph. In his last struggle Samson, accompained by his father Manoah and his friend Micah, has to stand the temptations of the seductress Dalila and the giant Harapha, which are both followers of god Dagon and his priests. When his strenghs returns, Samson smashes the pillars of Dragons temple and buries the enemies and himself under the rubble. Come, come and liter your moaning now, for our hero, Samson, died as Samson. In death and life winner, he gave ruin to our enemies, never ending glory to himself... The Edition What makes the European atmosphere so intense? What defines the European heritage? Where can you find the roots of European culture? Guided by these questions, we document major works of European music in live-recordings at one of the most authentic cisalpean places by our Edition Monastery Maulbronn. I´ve tasted myself physically the perfect accoustical and architectical beauty of this performing place and the exquisite musical staging - which deeply impressed me. An editor cannot but follow his intention to preserve those cultural values for the posterity. (Josef Stefan Kindler) The concerts at the Monastery Maulbronn The concerts at the monastery Maulbronn are performed since 1968 and offer in the meantime a programm, which has not only international continuance, but also stands the comparison with bigger stages in the world. The performances take place between may and september in the historical rooms of the monastery (church, layical refectory, cloister garden). There are about 25 concerts annually. We publish a selection of the most beautiful works of religious and secular music by our edition. The monastery Maulbronn The monastery is recognized as the only completely preserved medeaeval complex north of the alps. In 1994 it was admitted to the Unesco-list of world culture heritage of mankind as the 13. building in germany and so finds himself in company with such famous buildings as the Pyramids or the Tadsch Mahal. The cd-edition is a thunderbolt... The also in the question of sound excellent recording supports an interesting and notable variant on the recordings of Harnoncourt, Gardiner, Marriner and Creed... (Dr. Karl-Georg Berg about "Jephtha"/ Die Rheinpfalz) G. Rossini Stabat Mater Oratorium & C. Gounod Missa Solemnis Cäcilien-Messe A concert recording from the convent church in Maulbronn (1999) 2 CDs, DDD, 110 min. ISBN 3-930643-63-4, US$ 24,00 A life-recording of the concert, which took place at the convent church in Maulbronn, june 12./13. in 1999, produced by A.O.Grimminger & J.S.Kindler. Kantorei Maulbronn, Svetlana Strezeva (soprano), Jolanta Michalska-Taliaferro (mezzosoprano), Willi Stein (tenor), Nikita Storojev (bass) and members of the SWR-symphony-orchestra. Conductor: Jürgen Budday Messe solennelle de Saint-Cécile by Charles Gounod (1818-1893) Charles Gounod has become famous for his opera Margarete above all. It is hardly known that his first passion was clerical music. The Messe solennelle de Saint-Cécile is worth to be called the most beautiful among his numerous clerical compositions. The work is distinguished by a maze of marvellous melodies, an extremly lined-up orchestra and the harmonious interconnection of solists and choir. The first staging of the mass was in November, 22. 1855 at St. Eustache in Paris. Gounod wrote the work for the celebration of St. Cecile, who is the patroness of clerical music. With certain instinct he combined the dramatic counterparts of clerical music and motifs and melodies of the Grand Opera. The plain covering figures of the orchestra above all give a uniform mood to the sets of the mass, which manifests itself in sacral dignity. Stabat Mater by Gioacchino Rossini (1792-1868) Heinrich Heine described Ronssins Music as deeply experiences and yet naive, adequate to the enormous martyrdom but in the same moment childlike. He felt gracefulness within the very terror and thus understood its visionary character. Only after his carrer as an opera composer, Rossini turned to clerical music. In his compositions he used to mix up traditionel stiles with opera-like gesture to mark the dramatical content of the lyrics. According to the Italian tradition of clerical music Rossine devided the mediaeval sequenz of Stabat Mater clearly into solo- and ensemble-sets. The Stabat Mater covers as well opera-like as traits of clerical music: sweeping melodies and drifting rhythms combine with sections, composed in old stile. The Edition What makes the European atmosphere so intense? What defines the European heritage? Where can you find the roots of European culture? Guided by these questions, we document major works of European music in live-recordings at one of the most authentic cisalpean places by our Edition Monastery Maulbronn. I´ve tasted myself physically the perfect accoustical and architectical beauty of this performing place and the exquisite musical staging - which deeply impressed me. An editor cannot but follow his intention to preserve those cultural values for the posterity. (Josef Stefan Kindler) The concerts at the Monastery Maulbronn The concerts at the monastery Maulbronn are performed since 1968 and offer in the meantime a programm, which has not only international continuance, but also stands the comparison with bigger stages in the world. The performances take place between may and september in the historical rooms of the monastery (church, layical refectory, cloister garden). There are about 25 concerts annually. We publish a selection of the most beautiful works of religious and secular music by our edition. The monastery Maulbronn The monastery is recognized as the only completely preserved medeaeval complex north of the alps. In 1994 it was admitted to the Unesco-list of world culture heritage of mankind as the 13. building in germany and so finds himself in company with such famous buildings as the Pyramids or the Tadsch Mahal. The cd-edition is a thunderbolt... The also in the question of sound excellent recording supports an interesting and notable variant on the recordings of Harnoncourt, Gardiner, Marriner and Creed... (Dr. Karl-Georg Berg about "Jephtha" / Die Rheinpfalz) The Maulbronn Choir / Kantorei Maulbronn The Maulbronn Choir was formed in 1948 by members of the church choir and the seminar choir, led by Martin Süsse. In 1979 Jürgen Budday took over conduction. The main focus beside the regulary participation in mass lies on the staging of big oratory literature. The concerts with national and international famous orchestras and soloists indicate the high standart of quality of this ambitioned layical choir. The choir participated in live-recordings of national broadcasting companies like the ZDF, SDR and the Deutschlandfunk. Chamber Music Amati Quartet Leos Janácek: String-Quartet No. 2 Franz Schubert: String-Quartet d-minor D.810 "The death and the girl" A concert recording from the layical refectory in Maulbronn July 4th 1999 Audio-CD, DDD, 65 min. ISBN 3-930643-66-9, US$ 19,00 Amati Quartett · Schubert & Janácek· Maulbronn Monastery Edition · prod. by K&K 1999 A concert recording from the layical refectory in Maulbronn (Germany) Artists: Willi Zimmermann & Katrzyna Nawrotek (Violine) · Nicolas Corti (Viola) · Claudius Herrmann (Violoncello) The Amati Quartett was founded in 1981 and soon received several awards, among them the "Premier Grand Prix du Concours International" in EVIAN, the art award of the city of Zürich (CH) and the Karl-Klingler-Award in Munich (GER). The artist put stress on music of the 20th century beside classical and romantical repertoire. They take care of works seldom staged, which creates a tense contrast to wellknown works of quartett's literature when presented together in concert. " of the most amazing concerts I ever attended." (Sir Yehudi Menuhin) "A Interpretation, unheard since the best times of the Juillard-Quartett." (FAZ) "Since the early 50s (Juillard-Quartett) it was'nt possible to listen to such a recording of the Bartók-string-quartetts. This is the best recording of the Bartók-quartetts at all." (In Tune, Japan/USA) ...according to this statements, it's a clear consequence that the Amati-quartett received up to now two times the "Deutscher Schallplattenpreis" (German Recording Award) and a "Choc" in France. Highly expressiv and blazing The Amati Quartett plays Schubert and Janàcek in the Monastery Maulbronn "This time the concert took place in the layical refectory, where chamber conerts are recorded. The CD has an excellend sound makes the tense atmosphere come alive again. The interpretation of the Amati quartett is highly intensified to a rather expressiv grade in every phase of the works. Even at the very beginning of the Schubert-quartett the sharply drawn uni-sono marks a sign of blazing performance of music, which hardly ever degrees intensity. The quartett sound of the Amatis is clear and linear, always made of insisting vibration. The radius of expression in the interpretation of both works and is overwhelming, transforming the componists' inner world into a direct musical event." (Dr. Karl Georg Berg / Die Rheinpfalz) The Edition What makes the European atmosphere so intense? What defines the European heritage? Where can you find the roots of European culture? Guided by these questions, we document major works of European music in live-recordings at one of the most authentic cisalpean places by our Edition Monastery Maulbronn. I´ve tasted myself physically the perfect accoustical and architectical beauty of this performing place and the exquisite musical staging - which deeply impressed me. An editor cannot but follow his intention to preserve those cultural values for the posterity. Josef Stefan Kindler The concerts at the Monastery Maulbronn The concerts at the monastery Maulbronn are performed since 1968 and offer in the meantime a programm, which has not only international continuance, but also stands the comparison with bigger stages in the world. The performances take place between may and september in the historical rooms of the monastery (church, layical refectory, cloister garden). There are about 25 concerts annually. We publish a selection of the most beautiful works of religious and secular music by our edition. The monastery Maulbronn The monastery is recognized as the only completely preserved medeaeval complex north of the alps. In 1994 it was admitted to the Unesco-list of world culture heritage of mankind as the 13. building in germany and so finds himself in company with such famous buildings as the Pyramids or the Tadsch Mahal. The Maulbronn Chamber Choir From morning early .... till late night A musical day in the tradition of the hourly prayers Conductor: Juergen Budday A recording from the "Entenfusshalle" in Monastery Maulbronn (1999) Audio-CD, DDD, 65 min. ISBN 3-930643-64-2, US$ 19,00 A musical day in the tradition of the hourly prayers with works of Orlando di Lasso, Joseph Rheinberger, F. Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Rolf Schweizer, Johann H. Schein, Jozef Swider, Arvo Pärt, Sven D. Sandström, Max Reger - Conductor: Jürgen Budday. Recorded in the duckfoot-hall of the monastery Maulbronn by A. O. Grimminger and J. S. Kindler in cooperation with Jürgen Budday. The tradition of the hourly prayers Even nowadays the Evangelic Seminar of the Monastery Maulbronn, which is the supporter of the Chamber Choir Maulbronn, holds on to this tradition at certain events. So the idea of taking the liturgical form and making it the form of a clerical musical programm suggested itself. Its surely impossible to use the whole text of the hourly prayers for the transformation to a choir-composition. The concept is based on the selection of essential parts of each prayer. Each prayer contains words dealing with a certain time of day, a psalm-prayer and a canticum ( hymn of the New Testament). The special tension of the programm is created by the confrontation of 19th-century compositions with stilistic contrary 20th-century and unison oldstyle clerical compositions. Arvo Pärt restricts himself to few harmonies and is sparing with musical mesures (minimal music). While Pärt puts stress on vertical harmony and sensitive sounds, Rolf Schweizers compositions are dominated by strictly contrapunctical linearity, which aims above all to a consequent forming of the shape of every single part. Hear my prayer, o lord of the contemporary swedish composer Sven David Sandström is of a totaly diferent kind. It is based on a piece of the english baroque composer Henry Purcell. Sandström takes over directly Purcells composition and, right in the middle of the work, transfers it very sensitive into his own modern musical language. The Maulbronn Chamber Choir The choir was formed in 1983 by Jürgen Budday when he recieved an invitation to a USA-tour. This led to the remarkable situation that the first perfomance of the chamber choir was in Trinity Church, Wall Street, New York. The choir gained various national and international victories in choir-competitions. Numerous journeys led the choir to different european countries, to USA and two times to Argentina. In 1992 the choir achieved a special honor by being representative of the Federal Republic of Germany at the Zimriya in Israel. In may 1998 the Maulbronn Chamber Choir won the 5th German Choir Competition at Regensburg. In november 1998 the choir won the competition at the 12th international days of choir at Prague and was worshipped as the best choir of the whole festival, as Laureat of the Prague festival. Several German, Polish and Czech Broadcasting-Companies produced with the Chamber Choir, the choir published, up to now, six cds. Jürgen Budday Conductor of the Maulbronn Chamber Choir. Works and teaches since 1979 at the Evangelic Seminar Maulbronn. Budday is the artistic leader of both the Maulbronn Choir and the Maulbronn Chamber Choir. His work as teacher and artist was honored by several prices, as the Bruno-Frey-Price of the Country Acadamy at Ochsenhausen or the Bundesverdienstkreuz. O lux mentium composed 1998 by Rolf Schweizer Premiere 1998 of the Maulbronn Chamber Choir O lux mentium, deus, expelle a me stultitiae noctem et da mihi sapientiae diem; orire veritatis sol et iustitiae de profundissimis naturae tuae finibus omnem intellectum superantibus; appare in aethere animae meae, super terram cordis mei. Extingue igitur phantasias corporum et phantasmata vanarum cogitationum mearum. Crea prolem intelligentiarum tuarum in utero mentis meae. Effunde spiritum sanctum tuum super aquas informitatis meae, ut conversus ad te, conformis filii tui videam te per te et omnia sub te. O tu purissima vertas, tu vide te in me, tu intellige te in me. Per me ipsum nihil video nisi vana et fluxa et caduca, nihil video nisi falsa et corporea plasmanta. Per me nihil sum nisi, mors et abyssus tenebrosa et imperfecta. In te sum, quantum sum. In te vivo, quantum vivo. In te intelligo, quantum intelligo, quia tu es summa intelligentia, essentia summa, summa vita. Pater et filius et spiritus sanctus, unitas triplex, trinitas simplex in se infinitio deo, sine fine deus unus in saecula saeculorum. Amen (1482) The monastery Maulbronn The monastery is recognized as the only completely preserved medeaeval complex north of the alps. In 1994 it was admitted to the Unesco-list of world culture heritage of mankind as the 13. building in germany and so finds himself in company with such famous buildings as the Pyramids or the Tadsch Mahal. Chamber Music Andrei Gavrilov Grand piano concert Compositions of Frederic Chopin A concert recording from the layical refectory in Maulbronn (09/03/1999) Audio-CD, DDD, 55 min. ISBN 3-930643-65-0, US$ 19,00 Tango Fuego & The Strings Of Broadcasting Orchestra Sofia Encuentros Great Tango Argentino with string orchestra Una manana caminaba en la ciudad en un café bebia el tiempo en soledad (Laura) Audio-CD, ADD, 47 min, produced by K&K 1996 ISBN 3-930643-39-1, US$ 19,00 A great singer and expressive instrumentalists supported by a string orchestra carry you away into the world of the finest tango and right to the soul of the Argentinian people. The passionate melancolic tango of Argentina for dancing and feeling well. Permanently rising popularity is marking the way of Germany´s probably most successful tango company. The audience is crying and laughing if Tango Fuego presents the programme, attractive framed by the lovers of night, the dancers. Bandoneon, piano, violin, double-bass and the sheer mellifluous quality of the strings combine in moving melancholy (Hilde Malcomess, CD-Tip, RHEINISCHER MERKUR) Our album of the week · Tango Fuego-Encuentros offers music which is both sensory and sentimental, and passionate and rousing... (Thomas Reinhardt, SAARBRÜCKER ZEITUNG) Encuentros · Tango Fuego · CD · Tango Argentino · prod. by K&K 1996 Detlef Strüwe (piano), Laura D´Onofrio (voice), Fabian Carbone (bandoneon), Sebastian Reimann (violin), Fritz Roppel (double-bass) and the strings of the Broadcast Orchestra Sofia (Bulgaria), compositions and lyrics by Detlef Strüwe, Thorsten Wollmann, Laura D´Onofrio etc. Orchestral arrangement and direction: Thorsten Wollmann. Thorsten Wollmann The Characteristics Of Water documentation of the film composer Thorsten Wollmann Audio-CD, ADD, 42 min., produced by K&K 1997 ISBN 3-930643-38-3, US$ 19,00 The road from jazz to classical music. The 2nd part of the documentation of this journey with the film composer Thorsten Wollmann. Wollmann allows himself to be inspired by visual elements, pictures, shapes and natural phenomenen, as well as dreams and philosophical ideas and searches for the sounds in the pictures... Nonetheless this is not just about simple music for meditational purposes, although you couldn´t object to this being said because the sound painter knows exactly how to convey feelings with the music, in a very direct but also absolutely unpretentious way... (Ingo Wackenhut, SCALA) The Characteristics of Water · CD · Thorsten Wollmann · Works edition prod. by K&K 1997. The Strings of the Bulgarian Broadcasting Orchestra Sofia conducted by Thorsten Wollmann; Flavio Puntin (fl/a-fl), Claudio Puntin (cl/b-cl), Wolf Kerschek (vibes/marimba), Ulla van Daehlen (harp), Thorsten Wollmann (piano); The Ensemble Pyramide - Flavio Puntin (fl), Barbara Tillmann (ob/e.h.), Ulrike Jacoby (vl), Pascal Siffert (vla), Anita Jehli (vle), Jael Bertschinger (harp); Stellen Sie sich vor, Sie stehen inmitten der Sixtinischen Kapelle und lassen Ihren Blick langsam über die Fresken wandern. Dieses Erlebnis hat Thorsten Wollmann mit seiner Komposition Michelangelo für Sie in die Klänge eines Streichorchesters verwandelt Characteristics Of Water dokumentiert den Weg vom Jazz über die Neue Musik hin zur Klassik. Ein Weg, gezeichnet durch den unbefangenen persönlichen Dialog mit den Stilrichtungen der Kunst - Dialoge zwischen Literatur und Musik zum einen, Dialoge innerhalb der Musik zum anderen, verarbeitet in einem konstruktiven spartenübergreifenden Fluß, der nicht einfach nur eine Mischung verschiedener Stile beinhaltet, sondern in sich homogen ist - der in sich ruht. Durch Publikationen wie Tango Fuego-Encuentros bieten wir dem Zuhörer Brücken, an diesem Fluß teil zu haben. Die Basis hierzu bilden Werks-Publikationen wie Characteristics Of Water, die die Entwicklung einzelner Künstler dokumentieren, um diese experimentellen Erfahrungen in einer anderen Form anzuwenden und dadurch z.B. den Weg über den Jazz zum konzertanten klassischen Erlebnis zu eröffnen. Der Stil als solches tritt in den Hintergrund und die programmatische konzertante Einsetzbarkeit wird von der Besetzung unabhängig, wodurch schlussendlich die mentale Aussage multikulturell einsetzbar und zu einer eindeutigen Aussage wird, die nicht verfremdbar ist, sondern ihre Schwerpunkte erhält. Der Anspruch der Musik verlagert sich dadurch hin zur Eindeutigkeit und somit zur Vermittelbarkeit, ohne jedoch den kulturellen Anspruch zu verlieren. Wollmann läßt sich von visuellen Momenten, Bildern, Formen, Naturphänomenen, aber auch Träumen und philosophischen Gedanken begeistern und sucht nach den Tönen der Bilder... Aber dennoch handelt es sich nicht um einfältige Meditationsmusik, und es wäre auch gegen sie schon deshalb nichts einzuwenden, weil der Klangmaler damit Gefühle sehr direkt und dabei absolut unprätentiös zu vermitteln weiß... (Ingo Wackenhut in SCALA) Ein kurzes Essay über meinen Kompositionsstil: Die meisten meiner Kompositionen beruhen auf visuellen Eindrücken und ihrer gefühlsmäßigen Interpretation. Meine Themen sind vornehmlich Bilder, Formen, Naturphänomene, Träume oder philosophische Gedanken. In meiner Musik versuche ich, diese Themen aufzunehmen, in sie hineinzugehen und Wege zu finden, ihren Inhalt, ihr Wesen auszudrücken. Dabei entstehen emotionale Stimmungen, Atmosphären und Klangbilder, von denen man sagen kann, daß sie quasi gemalt wurden, wobei ich mich durchaus als Klangmaler betrachten würde. Malerei beschäftigt mich, weil sie die Eigenschaft hat, einen Eindruck festhalten zu können und auch, weil ich von Farben schon immer fasziniert war. Wenn ich Musik höre, dann sehe ich immer verschiedene Farben, und wenn ich komponiere, spielen die Farben eine wesentliche Rolle. In meinem Innern verschmelzen Klang und Farbeindruck, Klangfarben und Farbnuancen zu einem ganzen erlebenden Gefühl. Im Gegensatz zur dramatischen, sich entwickelnden Musik, bei der der Ablauf, das Geschehen im Mittelpunkt steht, und bei der Themen eine Entwicklung erfahren, geht es mir eher um den Augenblick, die Situation. Möglichst intensiv einen Eindruck beschreiben zu können, ihn lange genug betrachten und auskosten zu können, ist mir wichtig. Viele meiner Kompositionen haben kein eigentliches Thema, sondern bestehen aus sich immer wieder variierenden Linien, diese Imitationen bilden Momente, die mir wie Fenster erscheinen, durch die es möglich ist, zu sehen. Außer Farben interessieren mich Bewegungen, verschiedene Arten von Bewegungen und die sich daraus ergebenden Strukturen, Muster und Formen, wenn diese Bewegungen durchschritten werden. Rhythmik empfinde ich eher unbewußt, natürlich und aus der Improvisation hervorgehend, während ich gerne die Architektur einer Komposition mathematisch konstruiere, dabei bevorzuge ich Symmetrie. Natürlich liegt es nahe, meine Werke mit Werken des Impressionismus und der Minimal-Music zu vergleichen, jedoch unterscheiden sich im Detail wesentlich. Die meisten Kompositionen sind auf harmonischen Zyklen aufgebaut, deren Prinzip das einer minimalen farblichen Veränderung ist, wobei jedem Stück eigene modalharmonische Gesetzmäßigkeiten zugrundeliegen. In der Reduktion der Stilmittel sehe ich die Möglichkeit, Neues zu finden, wohingegen ich die Ansicht vertrete, daß ein Komponist sich nicht zu scheuen braucht, schon Dagewesenes in neuem Licht erscheinen zu lassen, oder es durch ungewohnte Kombination zu verwandeln. Tonliche Reduktion bedeutet für mich die Verwendung von Tonsystemen zwischen Diatonik und Atonalität. Gerade weil diese beiden Tonsysteme schon so häufig benutzt wurden, versuche ich, die zwischen den beiden Extremen liegenden, immer noch unzählige Möglichkeiten bietenden Tonsysteme zu entdecken. In meinen Werken verzichte ich bewußt auf den Gebrauch von unüblichen Stimmungssystemen, experimenteller Notation und Aufführungspraxis, sowie auf Effekte und extreme Spielweisen von Instrumenten. Hingegen dessen benutze ich öfters zeitlich offene Notationsweisen, die bei jeder Aufführung unterschiedliche Interpretationen entstehen lassen können. Einfachheit und Klarheit scheint mir oft der Wahrheit näherliegender zu sein als Komplexität. Auch die Länge von Stücken versuche ich, soweit es geht, zu reduzieren, wenn auch nicht immer zur Miniatur. Wesentlich für bisher jede Komposition ist eine ihr anhaftende Ästhetik, ohne die ich nie auskommen würde, die zu beschreiben es mir schwerfällt und deren Ideal vielleicht in Worte wie Feinheit, Ausgewogenheit, Kunstfertigkeit und Ehrlichkeit zu kleiden wäre. Chiang Mai, Januar 1997 Zur Person: Thorsten Hermann Wollmann, geb. am 10.2.19966 in Biberach-Laupheim, Baden Württemberg Preise bei Jugend Musiziert und Jugend Jazzt Abitur am Pestalozzi-Gymnasium, Biberach a.d. Riß 1985 1986-1994 Studium an der Musikhochschule Köln Hauptfach Komposition und Trompete (Jazz) Nebenfach Klavier (Jazz und Klassik) Mitglied des Landesjugendjazzorchesters Baden-Würtemberg, des Bundesjugendjazzorchesters, des Bundesjazzseptetts, des German-Scandinavian-Project und des Südpoolensembles, Baden-Würtemberg. Tourneen in Afrika (Niger, Benin, Togo, Nigeria, Kamerun, Zentralafrikanische Republik), Südostasien (Thailand, Indonesien, Philippinen), Indien, Mexico, Portugal und Spanien Kompositionsaufträge für den WDR, SDR, HR und NDR 1989 Komposition Suite before A für den WDR (Cologne-Projekt - The International Workshop) Unterrichtstätigkeit für die freie Jazzhausschule Köln 1990 Nachtmusik im WDR Siddhartha für Orchester Jazzmatinee mit dem SDR-Orchester (als Solist und Komponist) Private Unterrichtstätigkeit 1991 Produktion der CD: Remscheid-Big Band und Bobby Shew Jazzmatinee mit dem SDR-Orchester (Solist und Komposition: Impressions of Ayudhtaya) SDR/SWF-Mitschnitt: Thorsten Wollmann-Quintett in Konstanz 1992 Produktion und Konzert mit der WDR-Big Band featuring Tom Harell (sechs eigene Kompositionen) Produktion Suite of Dreams für das WDR-Rundfunkorchester mit dem Thorsten Wollmann Quintett Jazzpreisträger 1992 (Jazzpreis des Kultusministeriums Baden-Würtemberg) SWF-Mitschnitt: Preisträgerkonzert Thorsten Wollmann Quintett in Villingen Komposition Lines in Blue Colors für die NDR-Big Band Suite Helliconia im Auftrag für CD-Produktion des Südpoolensembles (CD: Concepts) 1993 Kompositionsauftrag der Gema-Stiftung Aus einer Sage für sinfonisches Blasorchester (Pflichtstück für das Bundesmusikfest 1995) Kompositionsauftrag für das Ensemble-Pyramide (Schweiz): The Characteristics Of Water Teilnehmer des internationalen Bob-Brookmayer-Kompositionsworkshops, Köln Die Elemente für Sinfonieorchester Klavierkonzert Kompositionsauftrag: Drei Preludes für Flöte und Harfe 1994 Künstlerische Reifeprüfung an der Musikhochschule Köln, Diplom-Komposition (Das Examenskonzert wurde vom WDR aufgezeichnet und im November gesendet) Lyrik Suite für Orchester, featuring John Taylor Auftragsarrangements für die NDR-Big Band Engagement als Dirigent für die Jimi Hendrix Produktion beim NDR Dozent beim Landesjugendjazzorchesters Baden-Würtemberg Eigene CD Cycles Auftragskomposition für das Südpool-Orchester Baden-Würtemberg Concerto for Soprano Saxophone für CD-Produktion des German Jazzorchestras 1995 Dozent bei Landesjugendjazzorchesters Baden-Würtemberg Auftragsarrangements für die NDR-Big Band Filmmusik für die CeBit 95, Aufnahmen mit den Sofia Philharmonikern in Bulgarien unter eigener Leitung Veröffentlichung eigener Werke im Verlag Sound & Motion Project für das Südpool-Jazzfestival in Stuttgart Symphony for Strings 1996 Teilnahme am ASCAP-Film Composer-Workshop in Hollywood, Los Angeles Seit Juni: Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst-Lektor an der Musikabteilung der Payap-University, Chiang Mai/Thailand Finalist bei der Thad Jones Competition des Danish Radio Jazz Orchestra in Copenhagen Zweiter Preis im Kompositionswettbewerb für Blasorchesterwerke, Baden-Würtemberg Kompositionsauftrag für Duo Concertante (Köln): Impressionen für Oboe und Gitarre Violinkonzert: Kaleidoscope Kompositionen, Arrangements und Dirigat für Tango Fuego und Streicher (CD). Aufnahmen in Bulgarien mit Musikern des Rundfunkorchesters Sofia 1997 Konzert mit internationalem Jazz Quintett im Winterpalast in Mae Hong Som, Thailand zu Ehre und für Ihre Majestät Königin Sirikit von Thailand. Thorsten Wollmann & Wolf Kerschek CYCLES Relax-Jazz absolutely "lay back" music with acoustic instruments Audio-CD, ADD, 60 min., produced in SCAT-Studios 1994 ISBN 3-930643-32-4, US$ 19,00 Is there a bridge between jazz and classical music? Wollmann shows the way. Part I deals with jazz leading via the Avantgarde to the new music which is the central focus of the second part, Characteristics Of Water. With waves you want to wake up. With Cycles the jazz musician Thorsten Wollmann brings us a small masterpiece: smooth almost floating jazz caresses the ear... . The music sounds so light that it could fly in the wind and yet behind it you can feel a sense of great discipline and stringency... (Achim Zepp, SCHWÄBISCHE ZEITUNG) Cycles · CD · audiophile relaxation · Works-Edition · prod. by K&K 1995 Jazz Nouveau composed and performed by Thorsten Wollmann (trumpet, flugelhorn, E-piano, synthesizer, woodflute, percussion) and Wolf Kerschek (vibraphone, marimba, piano, E-piano, synthesizer, percussion) Title: Waves; Sun; Clouds; Rain; Interlude; Improvisations; Cascade; Crystal; Lament; Dance; Trance in; Tance out; Moveless. K&K Verlagsanstalt Dialog mit dem Jazz Session with trumpet and Grenzliteratur Jazz and Lyric verse by the musician, publisher and producer Andreas